Our Philosophy
Children - We see children as unique and capable individuals, who come to Bardo Road Kindergarten with their own interests, talents, skills, and ideas. We agree that children develop a strong sense of self-worth and identity when their Educators are attuned to the children’s thoughts and feelings. We therefore encourage children to express their opinions and to use their initiative so as to gain a better understanding of the children’s perspectives. We promote interaction and mutual respect between the children whilst valuing children’s autonomy. We actively promote learning through worthwhile and challenging experiences and interactions that foster high-level thinking skills and instil a sense of Belonging, Being and Becoming in the children.
Family - We acknowledge that family is the most influential aspect in the lives of their children. We believe that positive and mutually respectful partnerships with families are central to ensuring continuity and progression in a child’s learning, development and future success. We will engage in ongoing consultation with families to achieve the best possible outcomes for all.
Program - We recognise and respect that children are individuals who develop at their own rate. Our programs will be comprised of planned and spontaneous experiences which provide enriching, meaningful and realistic opportunities for children to explore, create, discover, and imagine. We acknowledge that interactions and conversations are vitally important for learning and will engage children in worthwhile and challenging experiences that foster high-level thinking skills and learning. The children and not the curriculum will always be our focus, and we will promote children’s learning through play.
Educators - We believe that teamwork and effective communication are essential requirements for positive outcomes across all aspects of Bardo Road Kindergarten’s functioning acknowledging that “together everyone achieves more”. We will value, be responsive to, and build on children’s strengths, abilities and interests to ensure their motivation and engagement in learning. We aim to create an environment of trust and respect, where we work towards achieving a shared goal. Each member of the team at Bardo Road Kindergarten is a valued resource whose experience, skills, dedication and professionalism are critical to the success of the children and the kindy. The professionalism of the Educators at Bardo Road Kindergarten will be maintained through regular and accurate evaluation and assessment and ongoing education and training.
Community - We value community involvement in all aspects of our programs and effectively utilise community resources to enhance the growth and development of children, families, and Educators.
Environment - We understand that young children develop their ideas and understandings of the world around them from the information presented to them by the significant adults in their lives, including Early Childhood Educators. We will ensure that the information provided to the children will encourage a positive attitude to the environment.
Diversity - We embrace diversity within Bardo Road Kindergarten and the wider community, through acknowledgement, acceptance, appreciation, and respect. We will encourage children to view diversity with a sense of appreciation and wonder rather than misunderstanding and fear. Our programs will embrace, celebrate and share traditions and cultures and will cater for different capacities and learning styles.